Hello, blog world. Bored, snow-day people. I haven’t been here in ages. Life is pretty complete, exciting, blessed and wonderful right now.
Our adoption story, of sorts, has begun. We had our first home visit and overall, it went well. We have a few locks to place, a lid to get for the trash can, some guns and ammunition to separate (or as Jason says, we have to unarm ourselves,) and *thankfully* that is all we have to do. The DHS lady took Jason’s side on building his shop. She explained he needed a place to lock up gasoline, oil and such (and by such, I mean chemicals that are non-existent in our household but could “pop up“ at any given moment.) Sorry, that I don’t agree in investing $2000+ to keep a lawn mower gas container locked up but so be it. The debacle was settled and the concrete truck will be here this week to lay his flooring. I am beside myself with joy. Incidentally, of all the things we needed to do, Jason immediately jumped on that one. Nevermind, that the other items can be fixed for less than $100 cumulatively. My amazingly frugal husband unwound that day and rushed the DHS lady out of the house so he could head to Lowe’s. I would like to think it ‘s eagerness to get children in our home, but I’m led to believe otherwise. On other notes, Jason surprised me by asking for a daughter. We’ve always asked for a son. It would just be easier on Elijah to have a little brother to mentor and to blame for most things in this house. The social worker smiled and said, “that’s good because they usually come in pairs.” Sad, isn’t it? But it would work out even better for the siblings to remain together. We’re not asking for a baby. We can have a baby, and we don’t want to take any thing away from the families that are asking for a baby. Many people haven’t known the joys of a newborn or infant, and we’d feel pretty selfish trying to get one in this house.
School is going fantastic this year. I’m in my medical courses, and simply love them. The body is astonishing to explore and aside from one pesky pre-req I have to finish, I’m enjoying it this semester. An education is priceless and in my mind, I never want to stop now that I’ve started.
Elijah is still being amazing. A straight-A student. His report read as this: 100, 100, 100, 100, 90, 91. I’ve never seen that many 100’s on one card and just couldn’t believe he had it in him. Jason wanted to call his teacher and ask if it was a typo but we finally accepted it and moved on. His basketball team is phenomenal. Top of their league (and by top, I mean #1.) UNDEFEATED. Elijah loves it and he plays without ever losing his sense of humor. That’s the magic of Elijah. He has fun but he plays perfectly. He earned his place as a starter this year and wouldn’t give that position up for anything. I love that Elijah knows how to have fun but he also respects the game and his teammates. These boys are truly brilliant to watch. The teamwork on that court is astounding for a group of 2nd and 3rd graders. Proud to say my son is one of them.
Work, yes, it’s still there for both Jason and I. For that, we are thankful. Extremely grateful.
We added a new pet to the mix. A Maltese hilariously named Rambo. He weighs a mere 4 pounds with bunches of 2-inch long white curly hair. He’s adorable, smart and very attached to me. His face reminds me of a stuffed animal….a member of Emmett Otter’s family, actually. I was drawn to his picture for that reason. I wanted my very own Emmett Otter. But I lost out on naming him Emmett because Jason doesn’t believe in naming animals with people names.
We are blessed beyond measure in our lives and we never take one second for granted. We are diving full-throttle into our faith. It’s the same faith that helped us through losing Jonah - and now, we are giving back to it. We believe you have to nurture your faith, love it, care for it and spend lots of time in it’s presence. It’s really amazing what faith can do, and I’ve seen it firsthand. We are even more blessed with a wonderful church family that has embraced us. Grandview is a warm and inviting place to attend. I can’t say enough how lucky we are to have them!
Happy Monday! And for many of us, happy SNOW day…finally. I’m going to take the day, savor it and enjoy it with Elijah. I hope you find that time, too. Love every second of life - it sure beats the alternative.
Love and prayers,